Information and Calendar

Chief: Mason Chiu
Adviser: Mr. Nestor Schnasse
Staff Adviser: Mr. Michael Andrews
Scout Executive: Mr. Michael Dybeck

Lodge meetings are held on the second Tuesdays of every month, September - June (school year), at the San Rafael Elks Lodge. Due to the easing of COVID-19, in person lodge meetings have been re-instated at the Elks Club. We will update members a few day prior to inform you of our location on the Elks property as our meeting place is fluid due to ongoing restrictions. Contact Council for more information.

Talako Lodge, Order of the Arrow is charted with Marin Council, B.S.A. It is one of the five lodges in Section GN17, Gateway Region. For questions regarding the Boy Scouts and the Marin Council programs, please contact the service center here.